At Merlin, life do not move like a ladder. Rather, we grow like a tree. And as the tree grows bigger, it provides shade chelter and hanginess to all those who live around it Celebrating 4O years of legacy
~ Complete with meticulous planning and quality craftsmanship, our aim is to create a happy home and a healthy workspace for every citizen of this country
~ With over 3 decade of real estate experience. Nationwide
~ Over 20 million sq ft of construction completed and further 10 million sq ft work in progress.
~ Our 100 Real Estate projects completed consisting of Residential , Commercial ,Townhomes and Retail
~ Over 50% sale from referrals (Existing Customers!)
~ Almost 99.99% brand recall value.
~ ~ Presently Merlin has projects in Kolkata like ( Merlin Avana , Merlin Arama, Merlin F Residences Chennai, Pune. Bhubaneswar, Ahmedabad and Raipur.
A name that resonates with innovation and excelience in the real estate industry. Eden Realty has been transforming the cityscape of Kolkata since February 2003. With every new creation. Eden Realty has strived to leave a trace of its skill and dedication will contine to do .
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